Welcome to the Melbourne Academy of Performing Arts

MAPA is recognised as the vibrant home of performance excellence.

A place where talent is nurtured, creativity celebrated, and dreams fulfilled. We offer a full range of classes and programs for toddlers through to advanced performers in the fields of dance, drama and music.

Whether enrolling in our elite classical ballet or performing arts program, trying out an adult hip hop class or sending your child in for our minis sing and dance program, you’ll be guided by experienced teachers and surrounded by others who share your passion for performance with equal adoration.

Why choose MAPA?
Professionally Fitted Out Studios
Secure and Safe Facilities
Family Friendly Environment
Professionally Trained Teachers
Beginners to Advanced Education
We honour and develop creativity Find out more >
Professionally Fitted Out Studios
Secure and Safe Facilities
Family Friendly Environment
Professionally Trained Teachers
Beginners to Advanced Education
We honour and develop creativity
Find out more >