Summer School 2020 BOOKINGS STUDENTS DETAILSSTUDENT'S FIRST NAME*STUDENT'S LAST NAME*DATE OF BIRTH*DayDay12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031MonthMonth123456789101112YearYear20262025202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007200620052004200320022001200019991998199719961995199419931992199119901989198819871986198519841983198219811980197919781977197619751974197319721971197019691968196719661965196419631962196119601959195819571956195519541953195219511950194919481947194619451944194319421941194019391938193719361935193419331932193119301929192819271926192519241923192219211920STUDENTS EMAIL (if applicable)STUDENTS MOBILE (if applicable)Not required for students under 18 yrs CHOOSE YOUR CLASSES OR PROGRAMPLEASE SELECT AGE GROUP TO VIEW CLASS & PROGRAM OPTIONS:*- Select age group -MINIS (3-6 years)JUNIORS (13 yrs & Under)OPEN AGE (Int/Adv)Please select the days you wish to attend:* Monday 13th January Tuesday 14th January COST: $50.00 Single Day (30mins) $80.00 Two Days (45mins)Please select the days you wish to attend:* Wednesday 15th January Thursday 16th January Friday 17th January COST: $70.00 Single Day Pass $180.00 Full 3 Day PassPlease select the type of booking you wish to make: Single Class Two Classes Single Day 3 Day Pass COST: $25.00 Single Class Pass $35.00 Double Class Pass (Two consecutive classes) $60.00 Single Day Pass ($15.00 per class) $150.00 Full 3 Day Pass ($12.50 per class) For Yanis Marshall Workshops please book through the following WEBSITEPlease select the class or classes you wish to attend:* Wed 10:00 - 11:15am | Hip Hop (Hëna Memishi) Wed 11:15 - 12:30am | Urban (Lanie de Castro) Wed 1:00 - 2:15pm | Commercial (Ben Scarmozinno) Wed 2:15 - 3:30am | Vogue (Jal Joshua) Thu 10:00 - 11:15am | Contemporary (Jayden Wall) Thu 11:15 - 12:30am | Urban (Zoee Marsh) Thu 1:00 - 2:15pm | Jazz (Rob Sturrock) Thu 2:15 - 3:30am | Latin & Ballroom (Jarryd Byrne) Fri 10:00 - 11:15am | Contemporary (Petros Treklis) Fri 11:15 - 12:30am | Lyrical (Renee Ritchie) Fri 1:00 - 2:15pm | Urban (Caetlyn Watson) Fri 2:15 - 3:30am | Urban (Leroy Curwood) This field is hidden when viewing the formPlease select the class you wish to attend: Wed 10:00 - 11:15am | Hip Hop (Hëna Memishi) Wed 11:15 - 12:30am | Urban (Lanie de Castro) Wed 1:00 - 2:15pm | Commercial (Ben Scarmozinno) Wed 2:15 - 3:30am | Vogue (Jal Joshua) Thu 10:00 - 11:15am | Contemporary (Jayden Wall) Thu 11:15 - 12:30am | Urban (Zoee Marsh) Thu 1:00 - 2:15pm | Jazz (Rob Sturrock) Thu 2:15 - 3:30am | Latin & Ballroom (Jarryd Byrne) Fri 10:00 - 11:15am | Contemporary (Petros Treklis) Fri 11:15 - 12:30am | Lyrical (Renee Ritchie) Fri 1:00 - 2:15pm | Urban (Caetlyn Watson) Fri 2:15 - 3:30am | Urban (Leroy Curwood) Please select which two classes you wish to attend Wed 10am - 12:30pm | Urban & Hip Hop (Hëna & Lanie) Wed 1pm - 3:30pm | Commercial & Vogue (Ben & Jal) Thu 10am - 1230pm | Contemporary (Jayden & Zoee) Thu 1pm - 3:30pm | Jazz & Latin/Ballroom (Rob & Jarryd) Fri 10am - 1230pm | Contemporary & Lyrical (Petros & Renee) Fri 1pm - 3:30pm | Urban (Caetlyn & Leroy) Please select one or two days to attend:* Wednesday 15th January 2020 | 10am - 3:30pm Thursday 16th January 2020 | 10am - 3:30pm Friday 17th January 2020 | 10am - 3:30pm This field is hidden when viewing the form PARENT DETAILS / EMERGENCY CONTACTFIRST NAME*LAST NAME*EMAIL* A confirmation will be sent to this email address if student is under 18 years.MOBILE*RELATIONSHIP TO STUDENT* Mother Father Consent* I agree to the terms and conditionsI UNDERSTAND and AGREE that dance classes can involve risk of personal injury. While MAPA Australia takes all responsible care in the conduct of its classes, I AGREE it accepts no responsibility for personal injury, property damage, or loss caused during classes or whilst participants are at or near MAPA Australia. I AGREE that I am responsible for ensuring that I am physically and medically fit for the class and during the class and must at all times take care of their own personal safety and belongings. I authorise MAPA Australia to act on my behalf in case of emergency and seek medical assistance including ambulance if necessary and I agree to cover any costs incurred. I give permission to be photographed and/or filmed by MAPA Australia. I understand these images or videos may be used on the MAPA website, social media and/or in-house message boards.CAPTCHAEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.